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Survey checklist

Pre-launch testing checklist

Updated over a week ago

Before sending your survey, take some time to test each step with a colleague or two and ensure that everything works and displays as you expect it to.

Look at our pre-launch testing checklist for the key parts to check.

Previewing your survey

  1. Check all questions are in.

  2. Check questions are set up in the way you want to see them reported on in the dashboard.

  3. Check for typos in questions, welcome page and email texts.

  4. If you have multiple select questions, check you can select more than one option.

  5. If you have single-select questions, check that you can only select one answer.

  6. Check if questions are mandatory/non-mandatory where applicable

  7. If you have a question display logic, test all possible options and routes.

  8. Check your survey or organisation logo appears top left.

  9. Check survey banner appears on the welcome page.

  10. Check that the survey works on different browsers; up-to-date browsers such as Chrome and Microsoft Edge work best.

  11. If you have colleagues who use a screen reader, send them a test to ensure they get the best possible experience of the survey.

Technical check

  1. Confirm that your IT department has whitelisted the email address the survey comes from: [email protected]

  2. Send yourself (and a couple of colleagues) the survey email invite to ensure it arrives in your inbox, that you can click on the link and access the survey, and that the survey reads correctly the whole way through.

Participant file checks (if applicable)

  1. Make sure there are no duplicate emails or duplicate Employee IDs

  2. Check all emails are formatted correctly

  3. Make sure spellings between fields are consistent (otherwise they will be treated as separate filters in the results dashboard.)

  4. Make sure there are no blank cells in your data columns. Replace any blanks with โ€˜n/aโ€™

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