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What to prepare before building a survey

Survey set-up checklist

Updated over a week ago

The People Insight Platform makes it easy to design your survey from scratch or base it on a question set from our library.

Platform section

The item you will need



Survey question set

When building your survey, you can choose to:

• Base it on a previous survey

• Use a template from our Global Library

• Create questions from scratch Whatever option you choose, agree on your list of questions before you start building.


Welcome page message

This is the first thing people see when they land on your survey. It explains why you are asking for feedback, and what they need to do. Your message can be text or video – a message from your Leadership team always works well.


Survey logo

Your survey logo can be an image, a banner or your company logo. It will appear on the top left of every page of the survey. It should be 500 wide x 94 high pixels. It can be a JPG, SVG or other common image format.


Distribution method

There are various methods of sending your survey which depend on whether or not you are using a Participant file.


Email invite and reminder text

Prepare your invite and reminder text and run it past your internal communications team. Use our email templates to get started.


Participant file

Your participant file contains the details of everyone taking part in your survey. It can also include variables like Location, Department or Line Manager. You will need to prepare your participant file in advance - you may need an output from your HR system. Note: If you are sharing your survey via an open link, you will not need to upload a participant file.


‘Safe sender’ information - IT whitelisting

If you are sharing your survey via email, you will need to ask your IT team to whitelist this dedicated IP address: We strongly recommend a test email is sent in advance of your survey launching.

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