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What is a focal point?
Updated over a week ago

One of the first steps in designing a survey is to identify whether a focal point exists for the survey. A focal point is the headline outcome that you want to measure and improve with your survey, such as employee engagement, or product quality. A focal point is used for Key Driver analysis within the dashboard, which helps you understand the factors that influence your outcome and prioritise your actions accordingly.

For example, if you are conducting an employee engagement survey, your focal point would be the overall engagement score, which is calculated from a set of questions that measure how committed, motivated, and loyal your employees are. You can then use the Key Driver analysis to see which aspects of the work environment, such as leadership, communication, or recognition, have the strongest impact on engagement and where you need to focus your efforts.

To identify whether a focal point exists for your survey, you need to ask yourself two questions:

- What is the main goal or purpose of my survey?

- Is there a single outcome or metric that reflects this goal or purpose?

If you can answer these questions clearly and confidently, then you have a focal point for your survey. If not, then you may need to refine your survey objectives or consider using a different type of analysis.

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