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Survey design
Updated over a week ago

Survey Design

Use this section of the 'design' tab to add your logo, pallette and font etc.

Survey Logo

Add an image that shows at the top of every survey page. Ideally 500x94 pixels, or multiples thereof. Can be a JPG, SVG or other common image type. Click on the 'Select a file' button and upload a logo file from your computer

The logo will appear in the header bar of your survey:

You can also use this section to change colours, fonts and font sizes using the options in the dropdown fields, or add your own.

Show PI footer

Use the toggle to display a PI footer within the survey.

If you toggle this switch on, participants will see a survey footer with links to People Insight help pages and privacy policy:

Preview links

Use the preview link buttons to view any changes in either desktop or mobile:

There is also a preview button at the top of the page which you can view from any tab you are working on:

Use the preview screen to check your welcome page and run through your question set. No responses will be recorded whilst in preview mode. If you have imported any variables via the panel file, they will be displayed in preview mode. When participants access the live survey, these variables will not be visible.

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