This section lets you download all translatable elements of the survey into a single Excel file. The intention is for you to download the file, add translations where required (and then re-upload it once finished). You can select as many languages as you like from the list. If the list is empty, this is because the survey only supports conduction in English - to add additional languages, go to the “Overview Tab” and select which additional languages you’d like to allow during conduction.
The downloaded file will contain a tab for each question type. In the example below, you can see that there is a column (D) to add French translations (denoted by the 'fr' two letter language short code). There will be a column in each tab to add a French translation.
Please note, you will not be able to upload translations (or changes) to any questions owned by 'client library', although there are translations in place for most of the main languages.
You can also add translations for the 'welcome page' via the upload file. If you decide to use this method for the translations, make sure to leave the HTML tags in place.
Alternatively you can add the translation in the 'Design Tab' :