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How we process Comments data in surveys
How we process Comments data in surveys

An overview of how your qualitative data is handled

Updated over a week ago

When we enable the process for the AI assisted handling comments data in surveys, here's a step-by-step overview of what happens to the data:

  1. PII redaction:

    • Anonymous comments: Any comments that are submitted are first sent to Microsoft Language Studio without associated respondent or company information

    • PII redaction: Microsoft Language Studio performs Personally Identifiable Information (PII) redaction to ensure that all sensitive data is removed.

  2. Comment categorisation:

    • After PII redaction, Microsoft Language Studio categorises the comments using our AI model.

  3. Sentiment analysis:

    • Microsoft Language Studio also applies sentiment analysis to the comments using their standard model. This analysis helps us understand the overall tone and sentiment of the feedback.

  4. Data storage:

    • Once the comments have been processed by Microsoft Language Studio, the enhanced data is sent back to us. We securely store this data in our database.

    • It’s important to note that Microsoft does not retain any records of the data, nor is the data used to train their models.

    • All data storage is compliant with our Data Retention Policy

  5. Prism analysis (if enabled)

    • For deeper insights, the enhanced data is then sent to OpenAI. Using People Insight's engineered Prompts, OpenAI summarises the comments by category, which simplifies the analysis, especially when dealing with a large volume of comments.

    • Additionally, using People Insight's engineered Prompts, OpenAI provides recommended actions based on the summarised data.

  6. Prism related data privacy and security:

    • OpenAI processes the data without any context of the source company, and the comments are already PII-redacted before they are sent.

    • OpenAI does not use this data to train its models. As your Data Processor, we control the use of this data to ensure your privacy is protected.

    • For more information on how OpenAI handles data, you can refer to their Enterprise Privacy Documentation.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

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