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Survey Structure: Joiners Question Set

Joiners Question Set

Updated over a week ago

If you’re looking for inspiration for your survey, we have a range of templates to help explore topics like employee wellbeing, hybrid working, and onboarding effectiveness.

We recommend basing surveys on our question sets where possible. They have been developed and tested by People Insight’s organisational psychologists so will provide the most meaningful survey data.


The Recruitment Process

  1. The information provided about my role was clear

  2. I was given clear information about the stages and requirements of the recruitment process

  3. Communication during the recruitment process was professional and timely

  4. The length of time taken for the recruitment process felt about right

  5. Upon accepting the role, I was provided with clear information about starting work

  6. Overall I was satisfied with the recruitment process

  7. How could we have made the recruitment process better (Free text)

The First Day

  1. When I first joined I was made to feel welcome

  2. I was able to spend time talking to my line manager

  3. I was given the support I needed to help me settle in

  4. I was given the equipment I needed to enable me to work effectively

  5. Things were well organised for my arrival at {clientshort}


  1. When I first joined, the aims and objectives of {clientshort} were clearly explained to me

  2. The vision and mission of {clientshort} were clearly communicated to me

  3. I received useful information on relevant {clientshort} processes and policies

  4. My role was clearly explained to me

  5. The role of my team was clearly explained to me

  6. I was given the training I needed to settle into my role

  7. I was introduced to senior leaders at {clientshort}

  8. I was assigned meaningful work or training, that would enable me to contribute to the work of my team.

  9. My manager provided the right amount of support

  10. My manager and I agreed on clear and appropriate personal objectives

  11. Overall I was satisfied with the onboarding process

Current Impressions

  1. So far my new role has lived up to my expectations

  2. I am confident I made the right decision when I accepted this role

  3. I feel like I have been well-integrated into my team

  4. The training I have or am receiving is of good quality and relevant to my job

  5. My manager gives me support and encouragement when I need it

  6. I have had a formal 121 with my line manager

  7. I am clear about what I am expected to achieve in my job

  8. I understand the aims of {clientshort}

  9. I feel like I have been able to be myself at {clientshort)


  1. I am proud to say I work for {clientshort}

  2. Working here makes me want to do the best work I can

  3. If asked, I would recommend to friends and family that {clientshort} is a good place to work

  4. I would still like to be working at {clientshort} in two years' time

  5. I care about the future of {clientshort}

Free Response (‘comment’) questions

  1. How do you feel your experience to date could have been improved?

  2. Please provide any other feedback you may have about your onboarding experience

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