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Survey Structure: Leavers Question Set

Leavers Question Set

Updated over a week ago

If you’re looking for inspiration for your survey, we have a range of templates to help explore topics like employee wellbeing, hybrid working, and onboarding effectiveness.

We recommend basing surveys on our question sets where possible. They have been developed and tested by People Insight’s organisational psychologists so will provide the most meaningful survey data.


Your overall experience

  1. I have enjoyed my employment at {clientshort}

How long had you been thinking about leaving?

  1. I had not been thinking about leaving

  2. Less than 6 months

  3. 6 months – 1 year

  4. 1 – 2 years

  5. More than 2 years

Influence in leaving

  1. What is your main reason for leaving {clientshort}

  2. Opportunities for career progression

  3. Desire for career change

  4. Pay & total reward package

  5. Relationship with my line manager

  6. Relationship with my team

  7. Workload/work life balance

  8. Flexibility / hybrid work arrangements

  9. Health and wellbeing

  10. Organisational values / ethics

  11. Physical work environment

  12. Dissatisfaction with my role

  13. Change in personal situation

  14. Work location

  15. Retirement

  16. Redundancy

  17. Other (Please specify)

For each of the following factors, please indicate the extent to which they influenced your decision to stay or leave {clientshort} Scale: Strongly influenced me towards staying/ Influenced me towards staying / No influence on my decision/ Influenced my decision to leave / strongly influenced my decision to leave

  1. Opportunities for career progression

  2. Desire for a career change

  3. Pay & total reward package

  4. Relationship with my line manager

  5. Relationship with my colleagues

  6. Workload/work-life balance

  7. Flexibility / Hybrid work arrangements

  8. Health and wellbeing

  9. Organisational values / ethics

  10. Physical work environment

  11. Dissatisfaction with my role

  12. Change in personal situation

  13. Work location

Your time here

  1. I feel my work has been valued at {clientshort}

  2. I know how the work I have done has contributed to the aims of {clientshort}

  3. I have been given responsibility for decisions regarding my work

  4. I have been able to strike the right balance between my work and home life

  5. My manager has shown appreciation for the work I have done

  6. My manager has taken time to coach me and develop my skills

  7. My career development aspirations at {clientshort} have been met

  8. Over the last year of working here I had objectives that stretched my development

  9. Considering my role and responsibilities, I feel I have been paid fairly

  10. I believe colleagues of all cultures and backgrounds are respected and valued at {clientshort}


  1. If asked, I would recommend to friends and family that {clientshort} is a good place to work

  2. I would consider employment at {clientshort} again in the future

Free response (‘comment’) questions

  1. What one key thing could {clientshort} have done to alter your decision to leave?

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