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Survey Structure: Hybrid Working Question Set

Hybrid Working Question Set

Updated over a week ago

If you’re looking for inspiration for your survey, we have a range of templates to help explore topics like employee wellbeing, hybrid working, and onboarding effectiveness.

We recommend basing surveys on our question sets where possible. They have been developed and tested by People Insight’s organisational psychologists so will provide the most meaningful survey data.

Hybrid Working

What is your typical working pattern?

  1. Working 100% at our offices/sites

  2. Working 80% at our offices/sites and 20% remotely

  3. Working 60% at our offices/sites and 40% remotely

  4. Working 50% at our offices/sites and 50% remotely

  5. Working 40% at our offices/sites and 60% remotely

  6. Working 20% at our offices/sites and 80% remotely

  7. Working 100% remotely 8. Other (please specify)

Hybrid Working Environments

  1. I am satisfied with the physical work environment at our offices/sites

  2. I have the space and equipment I need to work effectively remotely

  3. {clientshort} has adequate technology and infrastructure in place to support me wherever I am working

  4. People in my team work well together regardless of where they are based

Perceptions of Hybrid Working

  1. I am satisfied with {clientshort) approach to hybrid working

  2. I feel I am trusted to work effectively from home

  3. I believe that our approach to hybrid working works well for me personally

  4. I believe that our approach to hybrid working works well for our organisation

  5. I believe that our approach to hybrid working works well for our customers

  6. In my experience, we manage internal meetings effectively in a hybrid way

  7. My manager actively supports hybrid working

  8. I feel that leaders at {clientshort} actively support hybrid working

Balance and Wellbeing

  1. I am able to strike the right balance between my work and home life

  2. I can meet the requirements of my job without regularly working excessive hours

  3. {clientshort} really cares about my health and wellbeing

  4. {clientshort} does enough to support my health and wellbeing

What are the best things about hybrid working

  1. Improved work-life balance

  2. Allows me to work more flexibly

  3. Feeling more productive

  4. Feeling calmer and more in control

  5. Improved concentration and focus on tasks

  6. Improved collaboration with colleagues/teams

  7. Improved communication with colleagues/teams

  8. Improved opportunities for staff training and development

  9. Improved wellbeing and mental health

  10. Feeling more included

  11. Reducing my environmental impact

  12. Less commuting

  13. Saving money

  14. None

  15. Other (please specify)

What is the biggest challenge to working effectively in a hybrid environment?

  1. Finding it hard to separate work from personal life

  2. Feeling isolated when working at home

  3. Fatigue from virtual meetings

  4. Scheduling and timing of virtual meetings

  5. Maintaining my well-being and mental health

  6. Managing workloads

  7. Maintaining a sense of community in my team

  8. Feeling connected to {clientshort}

  9. Maintaining high productivity

  10. Having effective meetings

  11. Being able to have confidential meetings/discussions

  12. Maintaining effective working relationships with colleagues

  13. Ensuring everyone feels equally included

  14. Access to appropriate technology

  15. Environmental sustainability (e.g. heating my home in winter)

  16. None

  17. Other (please specify

Free Response ('comment') Questions

  1. What has been the best thing we've done to support effective hybrid working?

  2. What could we do to make hybrid working even more effective?

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