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Adding custom content to your dashboard

Add custom content to your dashboard to help engage your organisation with the survey results.

Updated over a week ago


This functionality allows you to add non-data content to your dashboards. Letting you share organisation-wide goals, progress in terms of next, supporting videos or content - whatever you feel will help your dashboard users deliver change.

Below, we'll guide you through the process of adding and managing this custom content.

Step 1: Enable Managed Content

  • Locate the Managed Content Section: When setting up your dashboard, find the section titled 'Managed Content'.

Managed content section
  • Toggle the Feature On: To activate this feature, you need to toggle the switch to the 'On' position.

  • Universal Application: Once activated, Managed Content becomes available for all language versions of your dashboard.

Step 2: Choose the Content Language

  • Select Language: There is a dropdown menu allowing you to choose the language in which you want to add content. This ensures your message reaches your audience in their preferred language, if you dashboard is in different languages.

Step 3: Name Your Section

  • Section Name Field: Provide a name for your content section in the 'Section Name' field. This name appears in the dashboard's navigation, helping users locate your content easily.

  • Recommended Length: Keep the description short and concise, ideally under 20 characters, for better visibility and accessibility.

Step 4: Create Your Content

  • Rich Text Editor: Use the provided rich text editor to add and format your content.

  • Formatting Tools: The editor includes standard controls for formatting text, adding links, embedding videos, inserting images, and including quotes.

  • Accessibility Controls: Ensure your content is accessible to all users. Use the correct formatting to enable tags for structuring and also use alt-text for images to enhance accessibility.

Tips for Effective Content

  • Clarity and Conciseness: Keep your content clear and to the point to effectively communicate your message.

  • Use Rich Media Wisely: Enhance your content with images and videos, but ensure they are relevant and add value.

  • Accessibility is Key: Always use accessibility tags and alt-text to make your content inclusive.


Managed Content is a powerful tool for making your dashboard more engaging with your audience. By following these steps, you can ensure that your custom content is both impactful and accessible. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.

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