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Survey dates and live status
Updated over a week ago

You can set the status of your survey to 'live' in two ways.

  1. Manually set survey live status

  2. Add a survey start and end date

Manually set the survey live status

To manually set the survey status to live, go to the 'overview' tab in your survey and scroll to the 'Survey dates and live status' Section. Toggle the 'manually set survey live status' switch to the on position:

Next toggle the 'survey is live' switch to the on position.

Save the changes within the tab using the orange button at the bottom of the page and your survey is now live.

Add a survey start and end date

To set a 'live' date range for your survey, go to the 'overview' tab in your survey and scroll to the 'Survey dates and live status' Section. Toggle the 'manually set survey live status' switch to the off position:

Once the toggle is in the off position, you will see fields for start and end dates. Enter the desired dates and the system will set the status of the survey to be live for that date range.

Check live status of a survey

You can check the live status of your survey at the top of the page:

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