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Likert Polarity
Updated over a week ago

If a question is negatively phrased, for example:

“I dislike my organisation”

The PI response options for Likert questions always uses the below scale and always goes from disagreeing on the left to agreeing on the right.

The response is stored in the system as a number:

1 – strongly disagree

2 – disagree

3 - neither

4 – agree

5 – strongly agree

In this case ‘disagreeing’ or ‘strongly disagreeing’ is a positive thing, so in order to show that in a positive way the polarity needs to be reversed for this question.

Once the polarity is reversed ‘disagreeing’ or ‘strongly disagreeing’ will now be shown in the results dashboard as a positive outcome and ‘agreeing’ or ‘strongly agreeing’ is shown as negative:

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