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Action Centre: Action Insights

Access action planning progress across organisation

Updated over a week ago

If you are a dashboard super-user with action planning enabled, you will have access to a report giving visibility of action planning progress across your organisation.

Action Insights summary

Within the Action Centre, your Action Insights page shows an overview of action planning progress. You can see the % of users logging actions, speed of completion, and a summary of the actions so far including which questions the actions are linked to.

In the ‘Actions’ tab you can see every action created by dashboard users, organised by status i.e. Not started, In progress, Complete. Click ‘^’ on any task to see a task summary, including the question it is linked to and the start/due date for the task.

Applying filters

Use the filter function to see the progress of specific actions within your organisation.

You might want to look at actions specific to a survey theme, or delve even further and look at actions related to a specific survey question.

Filter your report by demographics

If a panel was uploaded as part of the survey set-up, then you can also filter actions by demographics contained within this panel.

These filters will show action plans generated by dashboard users according to their panel data (e.g. department, team or location).

You can therefore see how action plans vary across the organisation based on these demographics. You can also filter by specific users to see how they are getting on with action planning.

Export your Action Insights

Click the ‘Export screen’ icon to take an export of your action planning overview, with filters applied. You might wish to share a report with department leads or use it to present an update on action-planning progress.

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