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Survey Structure: Employee Engagement Question Set

PEARL Question Set

Updated over a week ago

If you’re looking for inspiration for your survey, we have a range of templates to help explore topics like employee wellbeing, hybrid working, and onboarding effectiveness.

We recommend basing surveys on our question sets where possible. They have been developed and tested by People Insight’s organisational psychologists so will provide the most meaningful survey data.

Employee Engagement (PEARL)


  1. I understand the aims of {clientshort}

  2. I know how the work I do helps {clientshort} to achieve its aims

  3. I know how well {clientshort} is doing against its aims

  4. {clientshort} ensures that all people are treated fairly and equally

  5. {clientshort} is committed to doing high-quality work

  6. The purpose of {clientshort} makes me feel good about my work


  1. I can get the training and development I need to do my job

  2. I have the equipment and resources I need to do my work properly

  3. I am satisfied with my physical work environment

  4. People communicate openly here regardless of position or level

  5. Communications are good between different {clientteam}s

  6. People help and support each other here


  1. My opinion is sought on decisions that affect my work

  2. My job makes the best use of the skills and abilities that I have

  3. I have the freedom I need to get on with my job

  4. I am able to strike the right balance between my work and home life

  5. I can comfortably cope with my workload

  6. {clientshort} does enough to support my health and well-being at work


  1. I feel valued and recognised for the work that I do

  2. In the last week, I have received thanks or praise for doing good work

  3. My rewards are linked to my performance and contribution

  4. I find my work interesting and challenging

  5. I have the right opportunities to learn and grow at work

  6. My career development aspirations at {clientshort} are being met


  1. Senior leaders provide a clear vision of the overall direction of {clientshort}

  2. Senior leaders make an effort to listen to staff

  3. I believe action will be taken as a result of this survey

  4. My manager treats me fairly and with respect

  5. My manager takes time to coach me and develop my skills

  6. My manager gives me regular feedback on how I am doing

Overall Experience

  1. I am proud to say I work for {clientshort}

  2. I would still like to be working at {clientshort} in two years' time

  3. Working here makes me want to do the best work I can

  4. If asked, I would recommend to friends and family that {clientshort} is a good place to work

  5. I care about the future of {clientshort}

Free Response ('comment') Questions

  1. What is the best thing about working for {clientshort}?

  2. If within your power, what one thing would you change about working for {clientshort}?

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