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Add and edit survey specific variable questions

Adding self-select survey variables

Updated over a week ago

Self-select variables or self-select questions, are survey questions where the respondent can select from a list.

You can have single-select questions or multiple-select questions. Single-select questions require respondents to choose one option. Multiple-select questions allow respondents to choose all options that apply.

How to configure selection settings

Note: To add self-select survey questions, you must have a Variables reporting section in your survey structure. Head here for help creating a Reporting Section.

In the ‘Structure’ section, click the Variables header to highlight it. Then click ‘Add survey item’ and select ‘Survey specific variable questions’ from the drop-down menu.

Within the pop-up box, enter your Variable title – this will be your question text. You can also choose whether to allow multiple-answer selection.

To add your responses, click ‘Answer options’ and input your answers one by one.

Once you’re happy, click Save.

You’ll now see the question in your Variables header. Remember to hit save at the bottom of the page.

Setting up multiple-select questions

When setting up a multiple-select question, add ‘Please select all that apply’ at the end of your question to ensure the participant knows it is multiple-choice.

Preview your questions

To see how your survey question/s will appear, click ‘Desktop Preview’ at the top of the page.

Setting mandatory questions

To make a question mandatory, click on a survey question and select ‘Mandatory’. If a question is mandatory, you should also include a ‘Prefer not to say’ response option.

Editing survey questions

You can make any other edits by clicking a question and clicking ‘Edit’ on the right-hand side of the screen.

This will prompt a pop-up box to appear, where you can make your changes – including changing the order of your questions.

Once you are happy, hit ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the page.

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