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Email templates

Creating email templates in the 'design tab'

Updated over 5 months ago

Creating a template

Use this section of the design tab to create your email templates. The templates will be needed when you are scheduling your email batches in the 'Distribution tab'(see article on distributing emails here). Select the 'create new' button:

Give your template a name (e.g. initial invite), this is for use when creating email batches. Add an email subject line, this will be seen by the participant when they receive the email (e.g. Invite to participate in our annual engagement survey).

Insert the content that you wish to use within the email (there are some sample ideas at the bottom of this page).

You can also insert replacement tags. For example, if you use the button below to add {{Recipient Forename}}, the system will grab the participants first name (once the participant file has been uploaded) and insert into the email to give a more personalised invitation

When the email is sent out, the system will add a unique link to the bottom of the email.

You can create as many email templates as you like. e.g. Reminder1, Reminder2, Final Reminder etc.

Example content

If you are looking for inspiration when creating your email templates, we have created some content for you to use below. Just copy and paste into your survey. Remember to replace any bold placeholder text such as your survey name, close dates and contact information.

Survey invite template

Dear  [First name],

We are pleased to invite you to participate in [survey name].

All responses will remain completely confidential so please be as open and honest as possible and take the opportunity to have your say!

The survey, which will take you no more than 10 minutes to complete, will be open from [Survey start – Close dates].

We look forward to including your responses and views in the collective feedback.

To get started, please click on the link below.

If you have any questions about the survey, please get in touch [contact name & details].


Survey reminder template

Dear [First name],

We notice that you have not yet had time to complete [survey name] and we would like to encourage you to do so.

Your responses will support [company name] in creating a positive work environment for all.

The survey is still open, but will close on [Survey close date]. The survey takes no more than 10 minutes to complete.

To take part please click on the link below.

We look forward to including your responses and views in the collective feedback. If you have any questions, please do get in touch [contact name & details].


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