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Sending emails without a survey link

Tips for writing effective emails without a survey link

Updated over a week ago

How to communicate with your panel before and after a survey

If you have a panel of respondents who regularly take your surveys, you might want to keep them engaged and informed throughout the survey process. One way to do that is to send them emails without a survey link, either before or after the survey.

Why send emails without a survey link?

Sending emails without a survey link can help you build rapport with your panel and increase their response rates. Here are some reasons why you might want to do that:

  • Pre-survey: You can prepare your panel for an upcoming survey by giving them some background information, telling them when to expect the survey, and explaining why their feedback is important.

  • Post-survey: You can thank your panel for their participation, share some key findings or insights, and let them know how their feedback will be used or what actions will be taken based on the survey results.

How to send emails without a survey link?

Create your email template in the Design tab with what you want to say and in any language you want to use

Then head to the Distribution tab and create a new batch either by demographic or by recipient

Once you have added your participants and selected a date and time, just select the 'exclude survey' checkbox.

Tips for writing effective emails without a survey link

  • Use a clear and catchy subject line that summarises the purpose of your email and grabs the attention of your panel.

  • Keep your email short and concise. Use bullet points or numbered lists to highlight the main points or steps.

  • Use a professional and respectful tone. Avoid jargon, slang, or humour that might be inappropriate or offensive to your panel.

  • Include a call to action if needed. For example, you can ask your panel to look out for the survey email, to reply with any questions or comments, or to visit a website or a document for more information.

  • Proofread your email for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. You can also use a tool like Grammarly to check your writing.

By sending emails without a survey link, you can communicate effectively with your panel before and after a survey. This can help you increase their engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty, as well as improve the quality and quantity of their feedback.

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