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Adding users to a dashboard user group

Group your users: Decide who goes where and who sees what

Updated over a week ago

Features and Benefits

Dashboard User Groups give you the power to craft a personalised dashboard experience for different groups of users.

You can decide what access each group has on the dashboard based on what you know about them, such as their role in the organisation, their location, or their team (as defined in the panel file).

This feature is really helpful because it not only saves a significant amount of time when setting up dashboards for big groups of users, but it also increases your data security by showing it to the right people based on the panel details.

You can add a Dashboard User Group when you create a new Dashboard or you can add it to previously created Dashboards.

With dashboard user groups, you have control over dashboard settings for many user groups, including:

  • Available filters

  • Available data

  • Report types (e.g. Key Drivers, Comments)

  • Partial results inclusion

  • Action planning

  • Suggested actions

  • Languages

  • Status: active or draft

  • Anonymity threshold

  • Comments anonymity threshold

  • Panel hierarchy

You have the control to set and adjust these settings on your own or use the information from the panel. For example, you can make a user group called “Store Managers” in the panel, and it will automatically limit their access to survey data for their specific location, as per the setting in the panel.

Step-by-step guide

Steps for creating a new Dashboard and/or adding Dashboard User Groups to a previously created Dashboard

Steps for creating a new dashboard user group

  1. Having completed the Dashboard details screen, click ‘Save’

  2. You will be given the option: Would you like to define which users can access this dashboard now? Click “Add Users in Groups”

  3. On this page, click the + button – ‘Add Dashboard User Group’

  4. Fill in the user group name

  5. Decide if the Dashboard is to be active immediately

  6. Select the access level

  7. Either inherit or override the settings

  8. Either inherit or override variable filters as you would like

  9. Click save

  10. You will then be given the option to add users to the group, click “Yes”

  11. Select your panel users

  12. Click “Add selected user(s)”

Steps for adding dashboard user groups to a previously created dashboard

  1. Access your survey and click on the Dashboard section

  2. On the right, there are 5 grey buttons. Click the middle button – ‘Manage dashboard user groups’

  3. See the above steps starting at step 3 to continue

Steps on how to manage your dashboard user group

  1. Access your survey and click on the Dashboard section

  2. On the right, there are 5 grey buttons. Click the middle button – ‘Manage dashboard user groups’

  3. On the next screen, again on the right, click on the pencil icon

Steps for removing a user from user group

  1. Follow steps 1-3 in manage above

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the next screen to see “Dashboard users in this group”

  3. Hit the X button on the right of that user’s details

  4. You will see a “Confirm Removal” modal, click “Yes, delete”

Steps for deleting a dashboard user group

  1. Follow steps 1-3 in manage above

  2. Click on delete in the top right-hand corner

  3. The “Confirm deletion” will pop up, saying “You are attempting to delete a dashboard user group containing X users. Are you sure you want to do this?” with the option to Remove users from the group AND dashboard

  4. Select the option or not, and hit “Confirm Deletion”

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