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Survey Structure: Diversity and Inclusion Question Set

BELONG Question Set

Updated over a week ago

If you’re looking for inspiration for your survey, we have a range of templates to help explore topics like employee wellbeing, hybrid working, and onboarding effectiveness.

We recommend basing surveys on our question sets where possible. They have been developed and tested by People Insight’s organisational psychologists so will provide the most meaningful survey data.

Diversity and Inclusion (BELONG)


  1. I feel comfortable talking about my background in [my company]

  2. Perspectives like mine are included in the decision-making at [my company]

  3. I can voice a contrary opinion without fear of negative consequences

  4. I feel supported by my colleagues


  1. [my company] ensures that all people are treated fairly and equally

  2. My manager treats me fairly and with respect

  3. [my company] does enough to support my health and wellbeing at work

  4. I believe [my company] promotes a culture of openness and honesty


  1. Senior leaders make the effort to listen to staff

  2. Senior leaders truly live the values of this organisation

  3. Senior leaders understand the issues impacting people with backgrounds like mine

  4. Senior leaders here demonstrate strong support for diversity and inclusion

  5. I can see people like me at the top of this business


  1. Career progress here is determined by your contribution and potential

  2. Everyone here has an equal opportunity to develop

  3. I am clear on what I need to do in order to progress my career within [my company]

  4. Relative to others here, I am paid fairly for the work I do and the contribution I make

  5. If I were to make a mistake, my manager would be supportive in helping me learn from it

  6. I feel valued and recognised for the work that I do


  1. People of all backgrounds are respected and valued in [my company]

  2. We do a good job of recruiting people from diverse backgrounds

  3. Within [my company], people with different backgrounds interact really well


  1. I feel able to challenge the inappropriate behaviour of others in the workplace

  2. Bullying, harassment and discrimination are not tolerated where I work

  3. If I raised a concern about my treatment or the treatment of others at work, I feel confident that I would be treated fairly and taken seriously


  1. I feel like I belong here

  2. I feel I can be my true self at work

  3. People with backgrounds like mine are able to succeed here

Free response (‘comment’) questions

  1. Are there any experiences that make you feel like you are not included <company>? Please explain the impact this has on you personally and/or your work.

  2. What could we do to create a more inclusive environment?

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