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Survey Structure: Employee Well-Being Question Set

THRIVE Question Set

Updated over a week ago

If you’re looking for inspiration for your survey, we have a range of templates to help explore topics like employee wellbeing, hybrid working, and onboarding effectiveness.

We recommend basing surveys on our question sets where possible. They have been developed and tested by People Insight’s organisational psychologists so will provide the most meaningful survey data.

Employee Well-Being (THRIVE)


  1. I know how the work I do helps {clientshort} to achieve its aims

  2. I am clear about what I am expected to achieve in my job

  3. I have the freedom I need to get on with my job

  4. I am satisfied with the flexibility of my hours

  5. I am able to strike the right balance between my work and home life 6. My workload is reasonable

Climate and Culture

  1. {clientshort} ensures that all people are treated fairly and equally

  2. I feel valued and recognised for the work that I do

  3. {clientshort} really cares about my health and wellbeing

  4. My manager cares about me as a person

  5. People in my immediate team work well together

  6. I feel able to develop good working relationships with colleagues

Organisatuonal Processes

  1. If I had an issue regarding my wellbeing, I would feel confident raising it with someone at work

  2. {clientshort} does enough to support my health and well-being at work

  3. I feel adequately supported to deal with changes at work

  4. My opinion is sought on decisions that affect my work

  5. People help and support each other here

  6. I am satisfied with the support I get from my manager

Holistic Wellbeing

  1. have the right opportunities to learn and grow at work

  2. I am aware of how I can contribute to our environmental targets Holistic wellbeing

  3. {clientshort} encourages me to be healthy and active

  4. {clientshort} has established a climate where it's okay to raise concerns about mental health and wellbeing

  5. {clientshort} provides appropriate advice and guidance that help me manage my personal finances effectively

  6. {clientshort} supports me in pursuing my own social impact goals (e.g. volunteering etc.)


  1. At work I generally feel energetic

  2. I feel that I can make a positive difference at work

  3. I usually feel well able to bounce back from disappointments

  4. I feel able to cope with the stresses of my job without it affecting the quality of my work

  5. I find my work interesting and challenging

  6. I feel energised by my work

Free response (‘comment’) questions

  1. What aspects of working here have the biggest positive impact on your personal sense of well-being?

  2. What more could we do to ensure all staff feel able to thrive here?

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